This week I finally had time to update all the galleries on my website to my most recent and best work.  And if you follow me on instagram, I know I said this once, but I’ll say it again- narrowing down galleries is such a challenge!  A well known photographer that I follow suggests that your galleries only display 15 images for potential clients to preview.  15!  When you love portraits and you love the people you’ve had the opportunity to photograph even more, narrowing down your galleries to your top 15 favorite images is so hard!  So like I said, I narrowed them all down to just under 30… and I am okay with that!  (Hopefully you all are too)  So you can imagine the difficulty I had again trying to narrow this blog post down to a decent amount of images that won’t take you an hour to go through 😛

2016 was such an exciting year for my photography business!  Looking back on some of my favorite images of the year brought so much joy to my heart because not only did I get to relive so many great moments, but I also saw so much growth in my work.  Not only did I see my growth, but I’ve gained more confidence as a single shooter photographer (which I’m planning on blogging about in the future if you were wondering!)  I loved being a part of each and every one of these weddings- it has been such a blessing to both my business and my life personally!  So without further adieu, here is the Best of AC Photography Weddings 2016.  Enjoy!        



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